Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Broken but not Beaten
On my way home I made my way down to 1st ave and was coasting along at about 20mph down the grade which is one of my favorite ways to come home from the city.
As I'm coming to cross Pike I see a car waiting to turn left. Wait...the car IS turning left!
I grabbed both brakes and found that the cobblestones underneath were giving no support. I had just enough time to get out the works "OH SHIT" before hitting the passenger side of the SUV like a bug on a windshield.
Now I'm laying on the ground trying to figure out what just happened. My ride side is absolutely killing me. About 15 people are circled around me.
"Are you OK?"
"Do you want us to call 911"
That's about all I was good for. I managed to make one more call to my wife who was on her way home from class. I wasn't very convincing in my statement of "I've been hit by a car, I'm OK but the ambulance is on the way".
I got a lovely ride to Swedish and the EMT was nice enough to put my bike in the back of the ambulance so my wife wouldn't have to come back.
The net of the situation is a broken clavicle and lots of bruises. It could have been a LOT worse. My race season is over and that is what I'm probably most bummed about. Especially after getting 6th at state champs last week.
Thanks to all the well wishes and prayers from my friends and family! It's been an overwhelming show of support. :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
State Cyclocross Championship - Will Trade Beer for Food
I had a lot of prep leading into today and was feeling really good. I felt like I finally was back on track with the training plan. Because I helped with course setup yesterday I had an idea as to what the "fun" areas were going to be and I think the course modifications that we made from our race were a HUGE improvement.
The weather was freak'in awesome. Are we sure it's November in Washington?!?
They announce the call for staging and I make my way over and get a good spot in the second row. Some guys start trying to edge there way in and get along the sides outside of the lanes when finally the official comes up and says "to the back guys!". Finally they were starting to regulate on that, their are no friends at staging. :)
I get a good start and I'm sitting in about 12th. Catch a place or two going into the barriers and I can quickly see a pace group developing. Nine of us are in line flying down the back straight. A gap starts developing and I bridge back on to the group but I'm quickly realizing I'm going to destroy myself trying to hang on and I ended up dragging two guys with me.
A group of 5 makes their way off, now it's me, and HB guy and an unattached guy. Lap 2 the HB guy cases it at the bottom of the hill before the run-up and then their were two.
This guy was faster than me in the corners so I just had to try and hang on and follow his line. I had a feeling I could get him on the straights but I needed to be patient.
On the last lap I made sure to be right on his wheel on the back section into the run-up. We hit the flat part by the bleachers and I get in the drops and hit the gas catching him by surprise and opening up about a 15 yard gap.
We're going into the final right bend and I take the turn wide think "Oh crap I blew it!" but got down in the power position and just didn't look up screaming towards the line and crossing in 6th. (best finish of the year! wahooo!) He finished about two bike lengths behind me.
Here is how it played out:
I celebrated with beer (Are you worthy?), beer and beer. It's important to get some variety in your diet!
Since man cannot live on beer alone I made my way over to the food cart to get a burger for myself and my lovely wife who was volunteering in registration. Toting my 32oz Arrogant Bastard ale she promptly ask, "Do you have any more beer?" Uh...is the Pope Catholic?
"If you bring us back a couple lunch is on us!" Nice! I think a cyclocross race is the only place where beer is actually considered currency.
I made my way back for Jill B's single speed race. Promptly after the start she coming running up with a broken chain right off the line! Not a good start.
The pits get her up and running again but she's two laps down. After a little convincing we get her back out there. Ed goes "hey man, crack a beer open for her on the back stretch".
About 7 minutes later she comes around to the back straight greeted by the Starbucks Crew holding out a nice microbrew like Gatorade and the NYC marathon. She promptly pulls through the pits, grabs the beer and DOWNS IT much to the cheers of the spectators. Now we're CX racing!
I also learned from the official monitoring the pit that it is technically illegal to pass liquids to racers. However, if the beer is mounted to the pit bike during an exchange then its OK. What!?!? Who writes these things? Needless to say he was very cool about the whole thing. :)
On to our podium finisher! In his first season as a cat 3 Vern took 3rd in the 45+ division! I only got a photo of him on the podium cuz he was going too fast on the course!
I believe the tally is:
Cat 4 35+:
Tim - 7th
Steve - 13th
Cat 4 Men:
Myself - 6th
Cat 3 45+:
Vern - 3rd
SS Women
Jill B - 4th (and that's after the beer!)
A few more action shots:
Tim looking strong:
Steve Z powering through the back stretch:
Can't wait to do it all over again next weekend. :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Mud, The Blood & The Beer. - Bremerton CX

It's bad to do a race report just 2 days before your next one, but this work week has just been hell. Come to think of it...the last few have been hell. Work is crazy for everyone I know since it seems like we're all trying to stop the world from ending. Maybe we should all just chill for a second and take wisdom in the words of Dave Matthews...
All that work and not enough play did not give me a good feeling. After doing the math on what time I would have to get up to catch the ferry I decided to get a room and go over the night before. We stayed at a great little B&B, Illahee Manor which was about 10 minutes from the event. Great little place!
The highlight of the day came from our CX Rookie, Liz. This was her first CX race and she just got a hold of a bike the night before. She's a cat 3 road racer and ex-sport mountain biker though so the skills were there. Tim and I were giving her tips on mounting and dismounting. Told her to go out and have fun, be safe and line up near the back... blah...blah...yeah right. :)
Our tent was at the bottom of the hill at the 180 after the start. We see the racers coming down the hill and there is this green and white flash just hauling a$$ down the right side jumping to the front. Her expression was classic, "I WILL make it to the turn before you!". She came in just a little hot and made a nice little power slide working her way around and the crowd goes wild! From there she simply put the hammer down, caught the back of the mens cat 4 masters group within the first lap and proceeded to ride away to the podium. (We then promptly called her a sandbagger even though it was her first race!).
My race felt like one of those slow painful workouts where you just can't wait till it's over. The grassy field sucked the life out of me and I could tell from the first 1/2 lap that today was a day to just have fun and push it for all I had. No big crashes or mistakes but a few of us were playing cat and mouse for most of the race to keep us motivated. I crossed the line in 30th...promptly changed and hit the beer chest.
Training regiment has improved so I'm hoping to crack the top 20 at state champs this sunday.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
La Fermata - Bremerton

My wife and I decided to head over to Bremerton on Saturday night so we didn't have to get up so early for the next SCX race at Bremerton Fairgrounds.
We're staying at Illahee Manor B&B and our stay has been excellent! Just one little hicup...
We had asked for a restaurant recommendation and they said if we liked Italian to try La Fermata
down off 11th ave. We made a 7:45 reservation which seemed to come up rather quickly. We show up about 8 minutes early and the host looked at us a little funny but they promptly seated us.
It seemed strange but we went with the flow. Our server proceeded to take us through 3 courses of amazing "downtown Seattle" quality food (and wine...oh well it's just a race right?). When I looked at my watch I was wondering why we finished a 3 course meal in and hour. Hmmmm...
We started to think a little harder, we based our schedule off the room clock and I had forgot my watch. Katie throws out the idea that maybe the clock wasn't set back last week for daylight savings? Nah...
Well...we asked our sever "were we early?" He replies "yep, by about an hour! We just though you were excited to see us!". Good save. :)
Seriously, amazing food, amazing service (and I left an amazing well deserved tip). This place rocks and if I'm in Bremerton again I'll be back!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
It's Over...
And I'm totally addicted to race promotion. :)
Overall, the event went really well and my awesome teammates were there to help pull the entire thing off. Rory and Deanna were great. David and Bilko did an incredible job of scoring and announcing. Thanks to my coach David for coming out and racing!
My only downer was that the turnout was so so...but that's to be expected the first year...and the day after Halloween...and on a Saturday with a series race the next day. For an idea hatched in August though we can't complain. Next year we'll get a better date.
The only scare came in the final race of the day on the final lap when a First Rate guy's tire came off the rim, sucked into the fork and LAUNCHED him over the bars. He was slow to get up (understandingly) and I was thinking "I made it the whole day without anyone getting hurt until now!". Much to all of our surprise he got up, grabbed his bike an ran to the finish. Freak'in Hard Core.
I also watched Jeff Anderson from Cucina Fresca run half a lap when he flatted his front tire. And let me tell you our laps were LONG (we'll fix that next year...). There is something pretty awesome about putting on an event and watching people compete. I don't know how to explain it.
If you haven't yet, check out Steven Bisig's photo site. He's donating all proceeds to the Fred Hutch Survivorship program. He's an awesome photographer and also a really great guy.
Now I'm scraping together my training plan and getting ready for the ferry ride. Mud anyone??!?!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Starbucks GP - 2 Days Away!

Where the heck have I been the last 2 weeks? Well hmmmm....Phoenix...then Vegas...family visiting...race seatac...more race planning....race steilacoom...more race planning...no wonder I'm tired!
It's all coming together and it looks like we're going to have a great turnout for our team's first annual CX race! The process has been fun, enlightening and humbling. The crew and Seattle Cyclocross has been EXTREMELY helpful to us.
I'm looking forward to Saturday...and then looking forward to getting back to my "normal" routine..whatever that is. :)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hour Of Power
"You never ride me anymore..."
"It's been two months, where have you been?"
"Well you know...the weather has been bad and my other bike has fenders and..."
"WHAT? Are you leaving me?"
"Of course not... you know how the winters are."
Come on baby...it's cool and crisp outside and dry as a bone. Let's go for a ride!"
I'm unfortunately one of those people who needs the pressure of a hard deadline to get things done sometimes. I'm headed out of town for 7 days, half for business and half for pleasure. Top that off with family arriving 2 days after I get back and a list of projects that MUST be done around the house and the training plan will suffer.
I was supposed to do 2 hours tonight, a zone two tempo ride. But knowing I wouldn't see a bike for 7 days just gave me the urge to go out and hammer.
I had just one hour...8-9pm. Screw zone 2, this is gonna need to be fast! The rain bike is nice, but it's time to take the race bike out before the long, dark days arrive.
I hit my local west Seattle loop, staring out with a race pace just under threshold and then backing off just enough. I came to the first climb and just hit the pedals hard...the cross racing is paying off! After riding cross and a steel bike with fenders and other crap I feel like I'm riding a rocket.
Almost the entire hour was spent in zone 4 with a few jumps into zone 5. Sorry David...I'll follow the plan better next time. I promise! :)
I finished my loop in a new personal best, 3 minutes faster than my previous best.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Crosstoberfest 2008
It was a the perfect day for a cross race. Rain, clouds, cool...but not too cool. I think I finally got the smell out of my kit from starcrossed, just in time!
We had a great turnout today! Ali, Nancy and Kelly (our newest woman's member...all the way from Michigan!) were representing the cat 4 woman's race. Scott and Steve were racing masters. My teammate Dave and I decided to do the 9:30 as a warm up. Plus, I was testing out a "bar cam" from our new sponsors over at VholdR. (the footage is very cool, more on that later!)
Dave and I lined up in the back as to not interfere with the lead group. I was having blast and taking it easy with the POV cam when suddenly I heard "on your right Brian!" only to see Scott from the 45+ race passing me! He later went on to WIN the 45+ in only his 3rd cross race EVER! Can you say natural?
Cat 3 report in one sentence: Vern took 2nd place in his first cat 3 since the upgrade. Nuff said. :)
For the ladies, Ali finished 5th and I remember Nancy and Kelly having strong fin
I took down a quick recovery drink and lined up for the 10:30 cat 4 race. Had a front row spot and was determined to make it a good start. From the word "GO!" I was charging hard and found myself in 5th going into the twisty sections. Things were looking good until the left corner right in front of the building where you go from grass to concrete. I came in too hot a WHAM...I'm on the ground sliding. I got up and had to re-buckle my shoe and straighten my left brake lever. By this point I'm at the very back. I look down and my knee is bleeding pretty good but I put it out of my mind and hop on.
My teammates are SCREAMING at me at this point knowing I'm hurting. Dave seems to be everywhere on the course shooting at me. It truly made it easier and a lot more fun!
I crossed the line and managed to go from dead last to 33rd out of about 70 riders. I wonder what might have been if I didn't crash but just had to step back and take it in. That's racing!
What a great course and a great event! Ragnarok should be proud!
Off to sunny Arizona and Las Vegas for work on Wednesday for 5 days!
Shameless plug, if you haven't yet, register for the Starbucks GP on November 1!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bike. Run. Mud. Chaos. Repeat 6 times or until puking. Pairs nicely with a microbrew.
Had a blast, finished 26th out of 85 which was a huge improvement over last year. My teammate Ali took 8th place in her first cross race ever, riding her new bike for the first time that morning! Can't wait to see what she does in the series!

Do I look like I'm having fun?

I'm still digging the grass out of my drive train. I have it clean just in time for Evergreen this weekend!
Friday, September 19, 2008
I'm in love...

It is super light? No. But steel is real and it rides freak'in awesome. And the orange frame is a burst of sunshine it what is sure to be a crappy dark winter.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Beer Waxing
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Slow News Day
Lt. Ian Burrimond, describing the crime as one of the strangest he's ever heard of, said a suspect was found hiding in a nearby field a few minutes later and taken into custody on suspicion of residential robbery.
Deputies, he said, had no problem linking the suspect to the crime.
"It seems the guy ran out of the house wearing only a T-shirt, boxer shorts and socks, leaving behind his wallet with his ID," Burrimond said.
Arrested was Antonio Vasquez Jr., 21, of Fresno.
Burrimond said deputies headed to the victims' home in the 300 block of South Thompson Avenue near Kings Canyon Road shortly after 8 a.m. Saturday regarding a burglary in progress.
The victims, both farmworkers, told deputies they were awakened by a stranger applying "Pappy's Seasoning" to one of them and striking the other with a sausage.
Both the spices and the sausage, Burrimond said, reportedly were obtained from the victims' kitchen.
After the man fled, the victims discovered the home had been ransacked and that some money was taken, Burrimond said.
Burrimond said the money was recovered, but that the piece of sausage used in the attack was discarded by the suspect and eaten by a dog.
"That's right, the dog ate the weapon," Burrimond said.
"I tell you, this was one weird case."
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Cyclocross Practice of Doom

OK, a bit dramatic but we were not without our share of issues. A good group of boys and girls from the team got together at SeaTac this morning for a little cyclocross practice. The blackberries are still out in force so we were not without our share of flat tires, or maybe Tim just kept running into the bushes. :)

Steve takes the cake for "best chain suck" I have EVER seen! He was womping on the pedals pretty hard when it happened. You could tell bu the sound of it that tings were not good. That is a SRAM Rival derailure in case you couldn't tell, and yes, it is coming out of the OTHER side of the wheel where it was supposed to be.
Things went downhill from there with Bart wrecking in the sand pit and finding a nice rock underneath, messing up his elbow. (hoping it's not broken) Can we get an update on that my friend?
To finish it off I took Tim out on a small uphill technical section while racing back to the infield. No major injuries and the new bike is OK. Whew!
Looking forward to Copper Cross next week!
And, it's official now! Starbucks Cycling Grad Prix will be November 1 at Pacific Raceways! Stay tuned for more details.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
10 Things to look forward to at the Republican Convention
- Men’s rooms specially designed to allow for a wide stance
- Overenthused delegates start drilling for oil on convention floor
- Sarah Palin stopped by security, asked for ID (NICE!)
- Enraged, chanting crowd burns effigy of Keith Olbermann
- Confused Ron Paul delegate forgets which convention he’s at, shows up wearing Iron Man costume
- Repeated attempts to serve both God and Mammon
- Angry women in heavy makeup who refuse to accept they haven’t been a trophy wife since 1984
- Nights two and three entirely dedicated to explaining that Bill Clinton must be stopped before he destroys the world
- Fred Thompson challenges Karl Rove to an old-fashioned Tennessee jowl-off
- More black speakers than in the last hundred and fifty years combined
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Pacific Raceways 8/26/08 - It's a wrap
We had a HUGE turnout tonight from the Starbucks men' squad. Steve, Vu, Darol, Scott, Charles, Bart, John,Dave and myself...who am I forgetting? Jill also came out for the women's race.
It was point per lap with flat course and I expected a fast race given every one's fitness by now. Dave and John and 1st and 2nd in the bag so our goal was to honestly just have fun. We messed around with some lead outs for the sprint and tried a few small breaks that were not getting away. On one of the sprints I looked over at Brian from Cucina as all the sprinters were blowing by. "No sprints for me tonight" he smiled. I felt pretty much the same way. Long leadouts were OK but my legs didn't have the snap needed to really pin it.
On the last lap we had enough guys that we were literally attacking from the left and the right of the group. It was awesome! Dave ended up 3rd in the final sprint (because he can!).
Rory and Deanna gave out some awesome swag as everyone sat around and BS'd about how fast we must have been going. This series is a real gem and I'm already looking forward to next season.
It's time to start getting dirty.
Friday, August 22, 2008
We want YOU!
Wanna join in on the fun?
Saturday, September 13 @ 9:20am.
Hope to see you there!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
2008 Cyclocross Schedule as it stands now
We're working around the schedules of the other events right now so I thought it might be helpful for other since a formal calendar hasn't been released yet. I am not responsible for any incorrect information, spelling, wrong URL's or extra marital affairs resulting in it's use:

As you can see, we're looking at Nov 1 or Nov 16. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Santa Cruz Stigmata - It's Alive!
Finally! A shipping debacle put things a little behind schedule, but she's ready to role! This is the first year for Santa Cruz making a cross frame. I've been a huge fan of there mountain bikes so I figured I couldn't go wrong.
Tomorrow morning brings the formal initiation at SeaTac. Is it cross season yet?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pacific Raceways - 8.12.08
Chased down a few breaks, got Dave, Steve and Scott to the front for the last uphill to the finish (which I suck at). Dave took 2nd (and probably locked up the series). The end.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Gear Push Time Trial - 8.10.2008
Today Vu, John S., Barbara and I ventured down for the Gear Push TT. This was my second race on the Abici since Tenino. I made the swap to the "straight" aero bars and found that to be a much more comfortable position.
Barb was starting things off with the first start time of the day. Maybe Rory knew something we didn't, because she won the woman's cat 4! (Barb getting in the zone)
Mr. John Sindel took the opportunity to swap helmets with me since I finished well before him. I know that's why he came in with a 22:50(1), 2nd place in the cat 4 mens! Vu put in an excellent time of 25:27.
If photos are good, than video must be way better...right? Here is John in the last 200K. You can hear the disk making a funny sound (which we later found was it rubbing on the frame)
So we ended the day with a 1st and 2nd for Team Starbucks. Full results can be found here.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Now here is one way to make racing more interesting...

A British ad campaign for Powerade has Olympic athletes doing their sport in the nude because "we wanted to give people the chance to see the real make-up of an athlete and their muscle and power." Ad agency translator = Sex sells, we wanted to "break through" the clutter.
It's not like spandex leaves much to the imagination anyway.
WA State Time Trial - Tenino
Steve, Pete, Vern and I made our way down south. I figured I needed to keep my heart rate steady and near threshold but back it off about 5 beats given the distance. I started out a little faster than I wanted but felt good. It was nice and windy all the way out and then the fun starts will the rollers.
I was amazed at the full range of emotion I went through..."man, I feel GREAT!...uh oh...I'm going to hard...I feel like crap....is this over yet?....ah ha, now I'm getting a second wind!....where the hell is the 1K sign already!?!?!?"
The bike is fast, but I need to make some serious adjustments to my position. The "L" bend bars have got to go and the stem is a little to long. I might have to break down for a new saddle too. Being on the nose of a racing saddle for 18 minutes is OK, 1 hour feels like torture.
I ended up 14th with a time of 1:03:24.29. Getting in the top ten required breaking 1hr (next year). Full results here. HR averaged 171 with avg speed of 21.9. meh.
This is one event where I think you either have it or you don't. You have cat 4/5's going faster than the pro's and masters D racers absolutely setting the course on fire.
Aside from all the pain and suffering, it was a beautiful day for bike racing. We finished off the race with beer and burgers at Scotty B's. Our server was fantastic, I think Steve is going to need therapy...it was a little traumatic for him. :)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Abici Time Machine
We'll see how I do at the state TT tomorrow. :)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
When Racing Isn't Fun - Pacific Raceways 7/29

It was a small and sad field yesterday. Not many people want to ride in the rain in July. If I hadn't promised Dave a ride home I would have probably skipped out too! They combined fields and I burned way to many matches in the first 20 minutes. When the cat 1,2,3's attacked on the climb I had nothing left and got dropped. Me an an Old Town guy worked together for the rest of the race. When I crossed the line they say "you got 5th!". What? I guess everyone else dropped out, but I'm too cheap after spending 15 dollars to race, I need to get my money's worth. :)
I think Dave got 2nd in the cat 4/5.
The best part didn't happen until this morning. As I dropped Dave off last night he gets this expression on his face and says "I left my ipod on the bed cover of your truck!". I told him that PIR is near my work so I'll go back in the morning (he's without a car right now). Sure enough laying in the road to the exit of the track is his black Ipod nano, wrapped neatly in a zip lock bag!
We gotta work on Dave's musical selection though.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
This is not the way.
This weekend the monthly Critical Mass ride made headlines in the worst possible way. An altercation between a motorist and the group resulted in the driver being assaulted , his tires slashed and his car beaten.
It sounds like both parties were in the wrong. The driver pulled right into the ride hitting a rider (very stupid on his part). When he started to get mobbed he tried to get away (can you blame him?). But hitting the driver in the back of the head, punching him through the car window and then cutting his tires? Why where they carrying knives in the first place?
We don't need motorist fearing large groups of riders. Their is a better way to bring attention to cyclist and their rights. This isn't it.
CNN Video here:
Friday, July 25, 2008
So you want to work in advertising...

I'm cursed for the rest of my life to think about the back-end process every time I see some new ad on TV. In ever crappy ad you can almost hear the dialogue that went on back at concepting stages, or the changes that were made because of the (shudder) focus groups. Next time you see a crappy ad on TV, trust me, it probably didn't start out that way.
I came across this site randomly which is probably the best satire I've seen into what it's really like to work in advertising. Unfortunately a lot of it is true. I've had this conversation way to many times:
Yeah... I'm glad to have moved on.
What does this have to do with cycling? Not much, except now I'm working 8 hour days instead of 12 hours days plus weekends (and actually have a training plan) My wife says I'm actually acting like a real human.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pacific Raceways, July 22: More Cowbell
The course was flat and we talked Rory into doing a point a lap so we could all suffer. We did have a great turnout in the Men's field of myself, Vu, Greg, Darol, Dave H. and John. Dan came out for moral support still nursing a broken shoulder. I noticed Jill and Alyson in the women's race (I think we had a few more, sorry!) More on Alyson later...
Thinks started out pretty quick and the Cycle U team was out in force quickly setting the pace. It's gonna be a fast night! I took a lead out for John a few laps in and it HURT. I quickly realized that I was going to pay for not ridding much over the last 10 days. We worked pretty well together with Greg doing some incredible lead outs. I did what I could but had to sit in for a few laps after each one to recover.
About half way in a few guys attacked after we crossed the line an the pack slowed. I jumped to cover the break and we had a decent gap with one small group ahead and a chase group. I did my pull and noticed another Starbucks jersey behind me ready to lead..but wait...who has a pony tail? Oh, it's Alyson! She proceeded to lay down some serious watts, closing the gap and pulling a few guys behind her. The look on their faces was priceless!
Unfortunately we lost momentum and got absorbed by the pack. A few more laps in we were neutralized by the cat 1/2. As the last guy passed I rang the bell and gave the "GAME ON" shout. Once everyone stopped laughing we got serious and setup the last few laps.
The last lap was really moving (as expected) We setup well and Greg gave John and Dave an incredible lead out for the 1/2 last lap win. Dave ended up 2nd overall and our teamwork was excellent the entire night.
Needless to say...I'm exhausted.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Back in the Saddle Again...
I've been following the TDF off and on and came across this quote from Jonathan Vaughters, CEO of team Garmin/Chipotle:
"In a sprint finish you're going about 40mph, on a decent between 50 & 60mph. Next time you're in your car, get your speed up to 45mph, strip down to your underwear, then jump out the door. That's what it's like".
Yep. That about sums it up.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Abici and the Stigmata

As for the Abici, I got a really good deal on a new frame from a guy. I love the look of the bike and have heard great things, but for those who don't know Abici went out of business about 2 years ago so support is nonexistent. A bunch of them were shipped at the very end with missing parts, primarily the seat post clamps.
I had to track down a seat post clamp which is seriously over engineered given it's task. If you have one of these frames and need photos, advice, etc post a comment w/contact info and I'll do what I can!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Derby Days Crit - pride before the fall

About 15 minutes in a few more guys shoot up to the front. I see the guy from Hammer Nutrition and knew he was strong from the Capitol Crit so I hoped on his wheel. A few minutes later we were coming out of turn 1 and I'm right on his wheel. The line turns a little harder left than I'm anticipating and I'm half wheeling him and hearing that awful sound of tires and rims rubbing. He's going left, I'm going right. Guess who won...
I hit the ground pretty hard at about 25 miles an hour and felt like I slid for days. Had enough sense to tuck into a ball and watch 65+ riders come screaming by. One poor guy from Cycle U ran into me but manged to get up and keep going.
Once I got my senses back I jumped up and started collecting my things to the sidelines. Some guy is yelling "You get a free lap!". That's OK dude, I think I've had enough.

As for equipment, I'm out a pair of Force Shifts, my favorite skinsuite, a set of bars, a helmet, gloves and the retention straps for my shoes (how those broke I have no idea).

On a positive note, Jane and Katy had a strong showing in the womens' (welcome back to racing Katy!) and Clayton took 7th in Cat 3.
Maybe next year...