"You never ride me anymore..."
"It's been two months, where have you been?"
"Well you know...the weather has been bad and my other bike has fenders and..."
"WHAT? Are you leaving me?"
"Of course not... you know how the winters are."
Come on baby...it's cool and crisp outside and dry as a bone. Let's go for a ride!"
I'm unfortunately one of those people who needs the pressure of a hard deadline to get things done sometimes. I'm headed out of town for 7 days, half for business and half for pleasure. Top that off with family arriving 2 days after I get back and a list of projects that MUST be done around the house and the training plan will suffer.
I was supposed to do 2 hours tonight, a zone two tempo ride. But knowing I wouldn't see a bike for 7 days just gave me the urge to go out and hammer.
I had just one hour...8-9pm. Screw zone 2, this is gonna need to be fast! The rain bike is nice, but it's time to take the race bike out before the long, dark days arrive.
I hit my local west Seattle loop, staring out with a race pace just under threshold and then backing off just enough. I came to the first climb and just hit the pedals hard...the cross racing is paying off! After riding cross and a steel bike with fenders and other crap I feel like I'm riding a rocket.
Almost the entire hour was spent in zone 4 with a few jumps into zone 5. Sorry David...I'll follow the plan better next time. I promise! :)
I finished my loop in a new personal best, 3 minutes faster than my previous best.
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