Saturday, November 22, 2008

Broken but not Beaten

My CX season came to an unfortunate end on Tuesday night (of all times). I had a dinner meeting with my team captain, Steve, and met him up in Capitol Hill.

On my way home I made my way down to 1st ave and was coasting along at about 20mph down the grade which is one of my favorite ways to come home from the city.

As I'm coming to cross Pike I see a car waiting to turn left. Wait...the car IS turning left!

I grabbed both brakes and found that the cobblestones underneath were giving no support. I had just enough time to get out the works "OH SHIT" before hitting the passenger side of the SUV like a bug on a windshield.

Now I'm laying on the ground trying to figure out what just happened. My ride side is absolutely killing me. About 15 people are circled around me.

"Are you OK?"


"Do you want us to call 911"


That's about all I was good for. I managed to make one more call to my wife who was on her way home from class. I wasn't very convincing in my statement of "I've been hit by a car, I'm OK but the ambulance is on the way".

I got a lovely ride to Swedish and the EMT was nice enough to put my bike in the back of the ambulance so my wife wouldn't have to come back.

The net of the situation is a broken clavicle and lots of bruises. It could have been a LOT worse. My race season is over and that is what I'm probably most bummed about. Especially after getting 6th at state champs last week.

Thanks to all the well wishes and prayers from my friends and family! It's been an overwhelming show of support. :)


jillita said...

Heal up, Brian! I'm SO glad that you're ok. Bones will heal and you'll be good as new in a month. Don't worry about missing CX. You can still fulfill the MOST important role out there: Beer Manager. :)

Dessa said...

Get better soon! You'll come stronger for the next season before you know it.

Ali said...

How's the healing going? What ever happened with the car that hit you?